Strategic Marketing

Strategic Marketing – You Need a Plan!

Any company that plans to experience great success has to have a great marketing plan. Without it, no one will know who you are, or what you can do for them. More importantly, if you do not “brand” your company then it will be hard to convince others of who you are when you cannot even clearly identify yourself. Marketeer Choice can help you develop a marketing plan for your company that will help you establish a market identity while also allowing your customers to know who you are and what you can offer to them.

Why is Marketing my Business so important?

To help you answer that question, answer this one first: if someone was talking to you over the phone and they said that they were drinking a soda from a red colored can with white writing, you would likely first assume that Marketing.jpg they are enjoying a Coca-Cola, wouldn’t you? This may vary depending on the person but most consumers that drink soda would make this assumption. This is the result of effective branding and marketing. People have to associate your products with you, and vice versa. Marketeer Choice knows this and can help you develop your branding in order to create or enhance your market identity.

Knowledge of the audience that you’re targeting is one of the most important parts of a successful advertising campaign. Investing in the market and customer research allows a better planning of your strategy, as well as better forecasting of market fluctuations with greater accuracy. Marketing and branding are closely intertwined. Whereas marketing promotes the company’s goods or services, branding deals with the integrity and unique image of the business. Branding is one of a company’s most important assets and it needs constant attention and continuous investing. The brand and its meaning to consumers forms perspective. Constantly working on your branding and image will bring profits over time, but it doesn’t have to take as long as you may think.

How can I jump start my Strategic Marketing?

There are some steps that we can take to get you on the right track. Businesses that want to succeed in today’s markets can’t afford to stand still. Marketeer Choice ’s plan for your marketing success will include:

● A rich, valid statement of your goals
● Market research and analysis to identify customers and what they want to see
● Investigation and identification of your target group of exposure
● Branding – strategy development for brand promotion on the market, brand positioning, and determination of competitive advantages
● Consumer behavior research – analyzing purchase motives, product and service selection criteria
● Competitive environment research – evaluating competitors’ products and services perception by consumers, research of competitive brands, their strong and weak     points, and competitive advantages
● Budget distribution among media categories and other advertising sources

You can have a solid marketing plan that will get you results. If you want assistance with this and other related marketing services then contact us today and we can get started.